How to Start Exercising and Stick to It

If you’re one of those who struggle to begin an exercise plan or even follow through with it, well, you’re not alone in this. Many people struggle to get out of the sedentary routine as we become extremely comfortable with it. In this article, we at Fitnacle would like to help you with this issue. So, let’s begin!

Step 1 : Overcoming Obstacles in Exercising

Overcoming Obstacles in Exercising

While practical concerns like a busy schedule and poor health can make exercise a little more challenging, but for most of us, the biggest barriers would be our very own mind! It could be the lack of self-confidence, or simply get discouraged and give up easily. Don’t fret! We’ve all been there at some point. So for starters, here are a few steps to switch up your mindset.

(1) Be kind to yourself :

Instead of feeling down and upset about the fact that you’re not seeing the results that you’ve been expecting, take some time to examine the unhealthy choices and fitness mistakes that you’ve done in the past. Take them as opportunities to learn and grow!

(2) Check your expectations :

Check your expectations

: No one gets out of shape overnight. It takes weeks to months on end for us to become what we are today. With that concept in mind, apply it to fitness! You can’t get fit overnight. It takes time and work to get to your goal! Once the results start kicking in, you will get addicted to it and will keep pushing yourself to get up from your couch!

(3) Ditch the all-or-nothing attitude :

You don’t have to go through hell just to get fit. Have a structured plan to follow. Not only will you not feel like dying every time you’re at the gym, but it will also give you a twist every time you’re in the gym! You wouldn’t have to do the same monotonous and mundane workout day in and day out.

(1) “I hate exercising” :

I hate exercising

A very common excuse that most, if not all, of us say on the daily! If sweating in a gym or pounding a treadmill isn’t your idea of a great time, then try to find an activity that you do enjoy. Take a walk at a scenic park, dancing, or even walk laps in an air-conditioned mall while window shopping! You are in charge of your own body. Therefore, you are in charge on how you feel about however it is that you’re working towards your fitness!

(3) “I’m too busy” :

I’m too busy

Another extremely common excuse yet again. There are workout regimes that are catered to everyone in all walks of life. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) are short workouts that will give you maximum results! These type of workouts may even be as short as 5 minutes. If you don’t have at least 5 minutes in your daily schedule, then you should most probably look into your life because there is definitely something wrong.

(4) “I’m too fat”, “I’m too old, “My health isn’t good enough” :

I’m too fat”, “I’m too old, “My health isn’t good enough

It’s never ever too late to start building your strength and physical fitness! Like what was said in the previous point, there are exercises that are designed for people in walks of life. Do the right research and figure out what works best for you. If all else fails, a Personal Trainer should be something to actually consider as they are actually trained to design a workout regime depending on each client that are under them.

Step 4 : Getting Started Safely

If you’ve never exercised before or it’s been a significant amount of time since you’ve attempted any strenuous physical activity, please keep the following health precautions in mind.

(1) Health Issues :

We cannot stress this point enough. If you have health concerns such as limited mobility, heart disease, asthma, hypertension or diabetes, please consult your doctor before attempting to exercise in order to get a medical clearance. Listen to what your doctor has to say about your condition.

(2) Warm Up :

Warm Up

Warm up with Dynamic Stretches. What this means is that rather than just standing in one spot and stretching a particular group of muscles, active movements that warm and flex the muscles that you would be using. This will help increase the blood flow and raise your core temperature in order to boost our metabolism.

(3) Cool Down :

After your workout, it’s important to take a few minutes to cool down and allow your heart rate to return to its original resting state. Static Stretches are very beneficial for this! What they do is loosen up the muscles that were previously worked during your workout. This allows your heart rate to reduce to its resting state and decreases your core temperature.

(4) Listen to Your Body :

Listen to Your Body

 If you feel pain or discomfort while working out, STOP! Once rested, if you feel like you’re better, then you can slowly and gently resume your workout. DO NOT power through the pain! You’ll just be waiting for a ticking time bomb of injuries to occur at any moment.

The points given above are just a small fraction as to what you can do for yourself to keep yourself motivated and have the drive to constantly push forward in your fitness lifestyle. Whatever it is, we at Fitnacle hope that you will change that lifestyle of yours and Create The Best Version Of Yourself!

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